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A member registered Sep 25, 2022

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I found another buggy interaction. I levelled up after a boss fight, which caused me to be unable to pick up a Relic (I could interact with everything else, I just couldn't click and drag a relic into my inventory), so I quit and reloaded my save. Funny thing is, after I loaded my save, a tile in the middle of my inventory just got deleted along with the item I had in it. You can see in my screenshot that it isn't just a visual bug either, the ring got disconnected from my mana sources since the mana stone that connected it got snapped out of existence. 

Save image preview

An image preview that shows what the tiles should look like, or what they looked like before the glitch deleted my inventory slot.
Deleted square in the middle of my inventory.
As you can see, there is a square missing in the middle of my inventory. Also, the ring of rage is disconnected from mana sources, showing this is not only a visual issue.
I am still going to try continuing my run, as it was going really well, but I thought I would share this glitch in case it causes other people to have less fun.
(1 edit)

 Any time I come across the Spin the Wheel event, there is a very high chance I get softlocked by the wheel endlessly jiggling. 

Does this happen to anyone else? If not, I can provide more info on my game settings to help the devs solve the issue.