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A member registered Jan 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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EEEEEEEEEE!! the story and characters were so interesting! can't wait for more chapters! 


i absolutely cannot wait for more totally not for more interactions with our smegsy bloodhound 

*unholy screech* KYAAAA

aedric has my heart rn oh my gahd, bro proposed like it was nothing. i absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter, wanna see (read) the look on aedan's face when he finds out we're proposed to his brother, omg. 

DAMN, this is noice 

Im kinda leaning towards Griffin and Vinh,

This shit is good, hope this continues 

Maybe we're delusional and seeing Ellis was a hallucination, but im low key sus of Avery and rowan plus atticus

Omggg, this was so much better that I expected, the customization (I can finally have the Adam Sandler fashion), the effects, the story too!! I am invested in this, hope to see more chapters!! 

you could either be in debt, his friend, or be blackmailed. Or he could be your uncle. 

i like how in the suggestions for names, there's all these references to the 'slashers' and stuff

Really neat

Bitch I'm so dumb T-T

I literally waited ten second in the timer I'm so fukicjg nmdumb

i love the character customization!! there's, like, so many choices

It's low key laming me think too hard T-T

wow, this lowekey seems really cool, there's so many characters

I love the how in the character customization there's a lot of details, I love it when it's like that, tho when there so many options, I can't choose 😭. Can't wait for further updates!!

you have no idea how happy and overjoyed i was when I found out I could have a poly gralex like i fucking squealing, i love it when there's a poly route, because "the more, the merrier" 

am absolutely in love with this, can't wait for more updates!

come back i beg you 

i fell in love only to be abandoned T^T

eeekkk the casual amount of pet names between the ro's is so cutee 

squealing and kicking my legs in the air rn