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A member registered Mar 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Adorable game and art! The whole package is very well thought out, like a small story book with the rhymes. Really enjoyed this :)

Super fun mechanic and well done game! Lots of levels already. Two player controls were a bit interesting on a Finnish keyboard but we managed :D Could've probably been able to switch them by ourselves somehow though. Also it seemed that we couldn't press 4 keys at the same time, but that might also just be a problem in our end...

Thank you!  Not limiting, but yes we also were thinking the amount placed would be a good scoring mechanic! :)

Very polished and fun game! 536 kg was our high score :'D

Thank you! We were thinking of having checkpoints, since it's kind of fun to "create your own platformer" as you go, but ran out of time :) we'll probably continue this and add those with actual level :'>