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A member registered Mar 28, 2022

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(1 edit)

I usually not buy games. But this one would be one i would buy. i havent supported you on patreon due to me knowing their usual antics. 

Itch went to sheit, i know they refuse to pay people. Steam is the  only one left you may try, but bevare: they can dock the pay and remove everything without giving a reason. 

I thank you for refusing to remove the kids. Also if you need some songs for the game, just hit me up. Due to you being deditacet to this great work, i would be happy to help.

(1 edit)

I still have the original cd, in relatively good condition. Looks like "someone" tampered with it tho, and i am unable to run it on even older setups. :(

edit:Got it set up on an old laptop. Yayy!

Thank you for getting it going!

Hi! I have the same problem. I have  6 GB free space, and cannot install it. Does it require 5+ times its size while installing?