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A member registered Jul 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Windows 10 x64

As seen in the gif below that's how it looks now...

I had it working yesterday, I had like 4 cards. But I had the app opened for a long time without using it, I think I even suspended the PC and used it the next day with the app still in the background. When I tried to move one of the cards to another section it freaked out, and started duplicating it and overwriting the other cards.

I suspect it has to do with the amount of time opened while not being used, or the fact that started to misbehave as soon as I used it again and then probably corrupted the database.

I mean I think the problem is that I thought by cleaning the user data the error would dissappear... it seems it doesn't... when I delete a notebook the error appears...
Also when I checked an item from a list, but after checking it it wouldn't happen again...

Can I disable TTS? also how can I access the console? thank you for responding

I have an error in Windows 10 64x that says Database Error: TypeError cannot read columns or something like that, and then a Text to speech says "database error", it's annoying... How can I clean all the files the app relies on? Or more specifically where are them? I tried to delete from appdata/local but it didn't do anything