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A member registered Jul 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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That was a really interesting game! The mechanics are so novel and fun and I really like the art. The sprite work is super cute :) 

Fun little game! I love the art of the girl and the backgrounds and everything. Really cute

Went through spikey hell a bunch, not sure what to do after

(1 edit)

I really like the idea at the end.

Generally speaking, I'm kinda tired of 4th wall breaks in games, but the idea of it spanning into multiple games is really fun. Does the message at the end stop after it gives you a 5-digit code? Had to play it twice because at first I skipped the message lol. 
Great game, it was fun to stream and I love the artstyle

Very interesting game. After multiple playthroughs, I think it's the Shepard, but you can never really know with this type of game.  My other theory would be that no one is the witch. Would be a great portrayal of the witch hunts

I only say it's the Shepard because of the Smith's jaw. No one ever gives a real cause for why it fell off. Could just be disease.