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A member registered Jul 13, 2021

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Eu joguei todas as rotas de uma só vez e gostei muito da variedade dos dias com cada um dos personagens! Cada rota dá uma sensação muito diferente, até pela dinâmica entre a protagonista e os meninos, e os 4 são super marcantes. 

De início eu pensei que fosse estranhar muito o Alexandre pela diferença de idade, mas chegando na cena do arcade eu já tinha mudado completamente de opinião, ele é um amor e eu fiquei toda boba no final dele, acabou virando meu favorito, 10/10 kkkkkk.

E o Sol é incrível, ele é lindo, meio desengonçado, e eu passei o tempo todo querendo abraçar ele, foi a rota perfeita pra fechar o jogo, saí realmente sentindo que era natal e querendo um serviço assim pra melhorar meus feriados. 

Muito feliz de ter jogado fora de época, porque foi uma experiência muito muito boa, e pretendo jogar de novo mais perto do natal kkkk animada pra ver suas outras VNs também! 

YES, JUST YES. Love all the characters couldn't choose only one of them to SAVE MY LIFE. 

On a more serious note: congrats and thanks to everyone involved in this game!!! It's so so good, every aspect of it is just amazing and I had a blast playing this on my own and with friends. The conflict for each route is just so well thought out and it hits really hard, the fluff is also incredible. 10/10 would let Quest call me angel again.  

Okay so, this may become a long comment but! I have a lot to say on this game: first of all, in my first playthrough I went for Aleth, great choice 10/10 would choose to date again. It was so so cute, the scene with Kaileen and the potion was incredibly well done, I could really feel the love they both had for each other and the care in their friendship.

AND!!! The poly ending with Nord and Atlas was MY FAVORITE! A friend recommended me this game and he tried Nord's route first, he was very sad when he ended up being rejected, I was feeling some romantic vibes from him and Atlas, even mentioned it to him, I was so hoping we could make a throuple, AND IT HAPPENED!!! I was ecstatic to say the least, lovely lovely lovely, the party scene and all their romantic interactions afterwards were a great representation of a loving and health polyamorous relationship, thank you so much for this!

I still plan on doing other routes, and I know for sure it will be a great time! This game has amazing visuals and the whole atmosphere is very soothing and cozy, perfect for days when I'm feeling down and need some comfort. Again, thank you so much for creating this!

(2 edits)

This game was recommended to me by a friend and was actually my introduction to interactive fictions! It's short but so well written and captivating, from the references to real medical books and the explanations about the surgeon's tools it's clear the amount of effort and heart put into this. Captain Cooper is so so nice and the progression in our relationship with him feels very natural, the kiss is just the cherry on top. The way you write makes it really easy to visualize the scenes and the way we can build our character makes me want to play this again and again! 10/10 will be coming back, in fact, I've been coming back here for about a year now :)