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A member registered Jul 04, 2020

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Haha! Yasunori Mitsuda is also my favorite VG composer. Chrono Trigger is a classic! However, what introduced me to his work was Xenogears. He has such a unique style, his work is also one of my inspirations! Nice to see someone who also enjoys his work!

Traverse was really calming to listen to! Are you familiar with Laura Shigihara? Your songs give me the kind of vibe her songs are like! Good job.

Digging the super dark ambient vibe of this track! Haha this would be good as a space mystery detective kind of game!

Very cool compositions! Saisei and Regeneration are my favorite pieces, has a good balance of different melodies to set the vibe and mood. Reminds me a bit of Yasunori Mitsuda's work. Good job!

Thanks a bunch!

That was a very interesting and impressive composition!

Thanks a bunch! Just took a listen to your submission and it was awesome!

Dang each piece hits you with something different! Went from melancholy to longing and to a bug surge of rushing adrenaline. Awesome work!

Thank you so much for the kind comments. I just took a listen to your tracks and absolutely love night chaser!

Great tracks! I was vibing to night chaser! I like the fast thrill of the song itself, very good!

Thanks a bunch! I just listened to yours :D

Tis a good song! I liked the ambient fills makes it feel daunting. It reminds me of a song from a video game called xenogears, it's called Torn. Gave me those same vibes! Awesome job.