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komputer cast

A member registered Mar 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for reviewing, and I can understand your frustations of game begin out of theme or just too fast. Again I have to go to high school and since my days are long, most of time, I didn't have much time to polish or expand the game. ( plus I started 2-3 days later after jam started )

Speed and precision is affected slightly only compared to Math. or break_eternity.js and I had idea to expand this game, once review period is over (=

Thanks for reviewing Dos! I do acknowledge the fact that game is boring because of its length, or just because how I implemented features, but at least I did submit it even when I was racing against time.

However I do hope it was fun and/or interesting for that short play time =)

Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback! I agree that my game was lacking content or bit repetitive but that was due to me making a game with pure JS for first time ( aka no frameworks like TMT or Profectus ) and that my free time was lacking due to high school.

However as I understand from your review  you did appreciate that game was polished, which makes me happy that you enjoyed game playability =)

Game was pretty fun even if there was little content. Some QoL improvement would have made this game better =)

Thanks for review! Game is yes buggy sorry and speed might have been bit to slow since im not good at balancing stuff. If you are interested of the game i will be updating it. This review helps a lot of for me to make this game much better =)

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Hey! Its me RydeR here. I am honestly glad that i took part of this jam =) The game i made is 2nd Unity game and honestly i was super excited and i hope you are same when playing it. Thank you if you played it already =)

Now about future plans of this game. I will continue deving it, making it better and all thanks to this jam's theme. Thanks again and see you soon ;)

Play this game only if you actually start to run out of time

Like it! I am really happy that you are deving again :D

Awesome game! I would play it again.

Awesome game what gives AD feelings!

Awesome game! I really like it!

is saving also soon begin implemented?

love this game. I like to see you that you have returned deving again Flame!