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A member registered 62 days ago · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

We'll meet again.....

Don't know we're......

Don't know when........

But I know....... we'll meet again...... some sunny day......


I feel empty........ I need something to distract objective might be enough to do it......but I also can't think for some I can't find an answer myself.......

(1 edit)

Nsfw games are art as any other, and we understand it and that's why we are here.......

We are also insane......

Hello comment section people.......I was a little bit tired......and still a little bit......but I I'll be doing some fan art again.....if someone have any suggestions.....i will be considering it.....

Are you having fun? :)

I'm going insane, just slowly enough, to not notice the difference as time passes 


I would enjoy a lot, if we get a cooking minigame on some I can see Lilith using a apron.....only an apron.....

Just my thoughts.......

Now do a itch version of the music

I read this four times.....and i still not understanding what you are talking about...... maybe I'm thinking too deeply.....

....but I'm pretty sure it is probably very poetic

My version of is very different from her design because......I can't really understand her design on the few panels she appears......I hope you guys like it......



You missed my Angelika art....I think....just look on my posts.....

What this even mean.....

Pandora line art is almost done...... I'm basically doing my own version......since I can't really figure out her new design from the only parts she appears......and I want to do it my style too......I will add some more details on the line art and start painting it later.....

Change mine to "local art dealer"


Welcome to the comment section, have a look around 🎶🎶

Anything the brain of yours can think, can be found 🎶🎶

We got mountains of comments🎶🎶

Some better, some worse 🎶🎶

If none of this interest you, you won't be the first 🎶🎶 need to have a good reason to not even answer my question...... I'm waiting until now to know if you are going to play the game as part of our deal for the art......and you haven't even shown up here to say anything......

I do.....

Don't fall for the alternative timeline many changes come with what you want.....I don't recommend..... speaking from my own experience.....


And for my next trick.....I will make Pandora received more attention..... she's evil but deserves love me cook :3

Since this is an art I'm making just for fun......I will expended some time on it......but not so compromised.......I will make some quick breaks to study more .......

no, I still no  good enough to make a portfolio  or some major post place.....

Very makes me remove my hand of my pants and put it in my conscience.....

Thanks for the appreciation..... I'm not used getting that much attention.....

I never expected receiving a complement from the god himself Hatchet I'm happy :3

I will never recover from that.....

We like the game enough to just wait here while we feed on the paint of the walls

And now.....the deal need to be met by both sides.....have you played Goddesses Whim?

Hello it is......I tried to maintain the more simplistic Paint of the game.....and I didn't made a too complicated makeup.... because I don't really know much about what do you think?

I'm talking about the down vote

A yes.....I forgot that people don't like game recommendations....... even though.....the exact game page this comment section is in, recommends the game

It's way better here .....but I miss the comfortable walls and cool clothes 

Play corrupted kingdoms......the mc is pretty cool if you choose the good path.......

Line art......some major details I will put in the colors.....

It's just something I do because.......I don't mimics the way I talk.....

Tf this even mean?

Hi Histeve...... I'm having some trouble drawing is hard to maintain the game anatomy......and I never drew gothic lolita style I almost have no idea what I'm doing......but here is the sketch