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A member registered Sep 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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You know it's a good AVN when you're more focused on the character interaction than the porn (not to discredit the porn either, that's still really good).

I've noticed the occasional spelling mistake or grammatical error, but it's fairly minor and I've been having a blast so far, massive kudos Akaime.

Mega shouldn't have any restrictions like that, at least last I remember

Looking forward to downloading this in the morning, tysm for handling this so fast

Without high-level admin permissions it's impossible to copy over the save data from the original phone, sorry to break the news.

Huh, didn't expect to get this as an error (image didn't upload last time, sorry for the double comment)

Commented when it was 1am so that one's on me for not looking a bit more.

Looking forward to purchasing the game when I get the chance, and I wish you the best in your future projects!

Demo was pretty cool, looking forward to the full game when it releases

I believe you first need to complete the repeatable quest the Guard Captain gives you, once should do it

The game looks really promising.

Going off of what I've seen so far, I'm guessing the potions will work off of a tier system like DnD or Pathfinder (minor, lesser, moderate, greater and major). What I hope is that each tier gives increased residual growth in addition to what I assume the tiers would already do, i.e. increasing the amount of growth with each tier.

Unfortunately the dialogue and some images are a bit rough, however this is more to let others know than to drag down the dev. I can tell they're enjoying working on the game and that's honestly one of the three biggest parts of game development in my opinion, the other two being managing scope creep and quality assurance.

All in all, kudos to the dev, this is fun and I hope to see it go places.

TLDR: Game is a bit rough at some points, but it's clear the dev is putting their heart into the game, and it's pretty fun too.

Mice Tea community · Created a new topic Loving the Game
(1 edit)

I'm writing this while being a little bit into Day 2 of the demo, which I know isn't that far into the game but I had to let the team know my thoughts. I'm loving the characters and story so far, they feel much more developed than in a lot of other visual novels. The art is gorgeous with beautiful lighting/shading that helps the backgrounds really stand out. Not to mention, the character designs are beautiful without leaning too far one way or the other in terms of blandness or spiciness (if that makes sense).

Based on everything so far, I'm more than likely buying the full game when I have the opportunity and will definitely share my thoughts when I do; thank you again everyone who worked on this, I absolutely adore it so far.

Would it be possible to add optional scenes with a female player model? This is mostly wishful thinking than anything else, if I'm being honest. Futa Karelia x Female Player just sounds really hot.

Wishful thinking aside, this is a fun and fairly well balanced game, kudos

Even with the bugs, I thoroughly enjoy this game and hope it continues being worked on in the future, if possible. 

There's always the joke of "I play it for the plot" but the story of the game is genuinely really good and I loved going through it

The art and story for this short visual novel is so good, I love the characters sm. I hope to see more of them and incredibly massive appreciation to everyone who worked on this.


If there is one, what's the chronological order for your Victorian gaymes? (I love that phrase, lol)

Does anyone have hints on where to find the photographs? I'm missing one in each quest area and can't find them.

Does anyone have any hints to get Lina's "New Mail: $+"

I've been attempting to figure out how and come up empty

What I'm primarily confused by is how to get the "The Beginning" and "What Was That?" achievements, if anyone has any hints they would be greatly appreciated

This is a really fun game, never thought I'd get so attached to the characters, props man

I also wanted to quickly address that Aida's Personality Module V.1 doesn't affect the "Robotics Expert" scene in Aida's Memory Room