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A member registered Jan 25, 2021

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I feel like at a certain point the game is just not winnable anymore, because the second game (at least for me) always asked for lower and it wasn't physically possible to get the arrow under the bar. And I couldn't take a single loss to raise the bar to acceptable levels because it cost me my entire cash on top of the 1k you are allowed to go into the negative.

That aside, I really like the idea and the way you made a failed playthrough loop right to the beginning of the next one is awesome. I see a lot of potential and would love it if you would continue working on this project, it is really promising!

found a little bug?/glitch? while moving into one direction and shortly pressing into the other the character turns around as if they were to change direction, but keep walking into the original direction and thus face the wrong side. 

Game itself is really good, the normal mode and hard mode are a good difficuty curve and it doesnt take too long to find out where to go.

for me its running good, probably your system

The game is really fun, but it seems to be out of your control when you lose health. I know it is based on missed birds, but if you just caught a bird far up you cant get down fast enough most of the time. Some kind of fastfall via the down key should solve this problem. Id also advise somehow cummunicating that missing birds is bad, I didnt notice why I died until I went through the comments