It is for charity, you are right. But why put a free game in the bundle? I paid for something that is or rather was free. And I do mind that but it´s ok because there are other nice things in the bundle. But clearly there is no benefit for me having a free game in the bundle.
But if you as a developer decide to put the game in this bundle then have the decency and give the people who paid for the game the game. Give the people Updates of the game and don´t declare the game a "Prototype" when clearly it wasn´t. They wanted publicity back then and now they want money. If it truly were for charity then why won´t they give the updated version of the game? I don´t want this game for free just because it was free. It was the develpers decision to give me this game in the bundle. They put it there and I bought it. And now people demand to get the product they bought and suddenly it was all along a "Prototype" with the same name, mostly same gameplay, same everything or to put in in better describing words: an outdated Version of a game. That is no good business practice, it is in fact bad business practice. And I don´t want this to happen to any other game because if it does you can never be sure if you have to pay for future updates for any game, or not.
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Well they didn´t have to put their game into the bundle. After all it was free at that time and we still bought it. If you paid for software and want the newest version that´s not entitlement, that should be your right. Doesn´t matter at what price you bought it, it was part of a bundle and they weren´t forced to put their game in the bundle. They did it because they were ok with the conditions. But now it was only a prototype. You support the developer buying and playing an alpha version and then comes the full release and you have to buy the game again. You wouldn´t want that to happen, would you?