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A member registered Sep 07, 2019

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(1 edit)

Hi, episode 9 is great and worth the wait (hope you're doing okay) but I'm encountering a glitch. Randomly my renders turn into zoomed in text or old faded renders. Not sure what is causing it but makes me have to go back and forth until it's not glitched

P.s. on android

Edit: Restarting my Android after installing fixed the issue :)

Hey HH Richards,

I never comment but I felt the need to with all this negativity with the 2nd game (aka continuation from 1) and so I wanted to write some good feelings.

Firstly really feel proud about yourself , seriously I mean it.

 I'm assuming you're having to balance dev time with other irl commitments and you're providing episodes at a fairly rapid rate compared to other indie devs.

 You've provided a charming little gem of a game for all of us to joy and both games are less than a price of a coffee!!! 

Always looking forward to see what is coming up in the next days and always gives me a smile when I see a new update notification.

Keep up the amazing work and thank you :)