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A member registered Jul 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Thankyou for your kind words and sorry for the late reply, I was busy. 

As for this project I haven't entirely  thought of the story and gameplay elements and working on it as I go. 

For kinks and fetishes, it will cover a wide variety  of 'em   (excluding too extreme ones).

Will contain various  small side stories which you might encounter during free roam. Depending on the time of the Day. 

And yes I'm developing this alone which is why updates might take some time. Please have patience :)

(1 edit)

Thankyou for your kind proposal and reaching out to help but this game is  in very early stage and lacks content, which is why i wouldn't like to waste anyone's valuable time in something that is not worth the effort right now. But i will consider once it has enough content and a bit of solid foundation .

Still appreciate that you wish to contribute something to the game, it encourages me to no end :)