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A member registered 26 days ago

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(1 edit)

I think this game is going to be fantastic! You've done a great job with the enemy design, lighting & environments, music tracks are a good vibe, and the gameplay/movement are solid. The large variety of enemies makes each encounter exciting and keeps the game fresh! This also applies to the NPCs you find and how they have such style. The animations for the stone children/creatures gives an unsettling but good vibe for the game, so looking forward to seeing more of that like in the IronPineapple's playthrough. The parry system also feels really good and tight. It reminds me of the game Thymesia with how the animations of the enemies give the right amount of tell so that you can hone your reflexes for parrying. The large scale and depth of the environments make it fun to look around and see something different that can leave you in awe. 

Otherwise my only complaints are the healing you get for the parrying and the moveset of the bosses. It felt like the healing for the parry was too high. I never needed to use a healing potion, so this number can be tweaked to give a more challenging but fair experience. Then after a few run throughs, the bosses would usually get stuck in a corner during our fights. This would happen after pushing them back with consistent parrys. So if they had a jump away/dodge move when in this situation it would make the fights better than just having them swing their standard attacks while being bullied.

Looking forward to seeing how this develops and thank you for sharing this game with us all! Also is there a Discord for you to post more casual updates or reach out to your community?