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A member registered Nov 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Valeu Lenador ! Obrigado pelo feedback [pre-ci-so] !👍

Valeu man ! Obrigado pelo feedback :thumbsup:

noice 👌

(1 edit)

It's always so fun to see someone play the games we made.
Sad to see that you were not solving the minigames with the mouse, so you were losing and getting hit by the combo consequence.
That's actually our bad for not having it well explained in the game.
It would be awesome to see you play again solving the minigames, if possible!
As you pointed out, we didn't add the highscore feature, sadly.
Anyway, I'm into the the chill vibes your live has. It was enjoyable to watch!
Thanks for playing and sharing your experience!

(2 edits)

I enjoyed playing!
And I agree with the others that we'd kept playing if there were more levels.
I felt that the sound effects worked well with the art design.
Good job!

Great game! Really 'Comfie'.
The animations bring life to the maze, and it's easy to be there just watching the maze and the object being alive, while listening to good music that fits the theme
I liked how the idea of "being subtle" is applied to all aspects of the game.
Maybe you could give to some players the option to chose another ball that is less fragile, and have separated scores. Or a slider that controls the rotation speed. And a level reset button.
It'd have been nice if it had an ending as a reward.
I enjoyed playing and getting through all levels.
Well done!

Thanks for your feedback!
About the lag spike when hit, it was actually coded to create a sense of impact.
The angle of the objects thrown was a challenge from the beginning. It was hard to fix.
We're glad you liked the aesthetic.
Hope it captivated the other players as well!

(4 edits)

Valeu man ! 

Dibrei o cachorro 

Opa, agora que vi. Não sabia que ia rodar no wine. Na verdade nem sabia sobre esse wine kkkkkkl mas vlw pelo feedback !

Realmente essa parte ai pega!
Mas que bom que ele conseguiu chegar até esse desafio :)

Obrigado pelo feedback André! Tudo anotado! :)
Essa questão de achar o chip foi  realmente uma dificuldade recorrente.

A build também foi enviada pros outros 3 professores.
