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A member registered Jun 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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I’m Komodo/Komober (pronouns are he/they) 

I’m planning on joining NaNoRenO for the first time and I’ll be working with Renpy, the premise of my game is a Mystery story which is disguised as an Otome in the beta testing stages where one of the routes disappears in the end, making the game “corrupt”. The route is somewhat playable and to unlock true endings with characters, the player has to collect flowers through unlocking CG scenes with each character, so flower symbolism will be involved, there’s only one way/true route to reach the actual ending of the game, the other routes are red herrings. I’ll most likely be in charge of doing the in-game assets and designing the sprites, but I’m looking for other people to help me out with this. 

What I’ll need: 

  • Composer/sound designer: someone who’s comfortable doing Orchestral or Fantasy-sounding/esque tracks. This will be in a fantasy setting, and will be set in a school as well as needing some atmospheric tracks and mood tracks involving the feelings of tension and danger. If you can also do sound design or only focus on sound design, you can also contact me inquiring about a separate sound design position!
  • Background artist co-creator: While I can do backgrounds, I’m terrible at it, so I’ll need a guiding hand/second in command in regards to this. Being able to work in Clip Studio Paint is a must.
  • CG/Character concept Artist co-creator: I have some things figured out, but CGs are something I am not skilled at/not yet comfortable with! I need someone who loves making these, and also help out with checking/making sure Characters are on-model!  I’ll be working alongside this artist, the UI/GUI and the background artist to create the visuals of the game. 
  • Writer: Everyone loves them, everyone needs them! Writers are the backbone of this project and I want to make sure 1000000% that I’m supported with dialogue as well as having someone who can brainstorm/work with me. 
  • UI/GUI Co-creator: I’m gonna be honest, I have absolutely ZERO experience making GUI or UI assets. I’ll need a guiding hand for this! A co-collaborator! I want to make sure we’re making a good product with the time we have!
  • Programmers: I’m horrible with coding and can’t get my brain around the functions and everything that goes into Renpy (the engine we’re working with,) so any and all help is appreciated! This is going to be a bit of a complex task, so I’ll be looking for two people to help out!
  • Producer/project manager: Making ANYTHING under a month’s deadline is hard work. We’ll need someone to make sure we’re on track and meeting deadlines as we should be! I have a Trello account, and would like Trello to be used in order to make sure we’re meeting deadlines!

This is the whole game!! No pay, unfortunately. It will be released for free on itchio at the end of NaNoRenO. There will be a credits page where we’ll put little illustrations of the teams members and make sure to link back to your social media!! This is a smaller part of a bigger project.

Here’s my Portfolio: (older work, I’m building a new one that shows off my skills better)

My discord:


My instagram:

And my Twitter:

You can also reply to this or send over an email to if you’re interested!

sent you a Friend request on discord, Kookoo#9262, would love to talk!

sent you a friend request over at Kookoo#9262 !!

would love to get in contact with you to tell you about my concept for the jam! My discord is Kookoo#9262

friend request sent on discord! User is Kookoo#9262

sent a friend request! Tag is Kookoo#9262 !

hey Zroe! 

I know I definitely need help with production and keeping track of deadlines  and would appreciate having you as a producer! My background is Illustration and Graphic design along with a little animation.

I’m planning on joining NaNoRenO for the first time, the premise of my game is a Mystery story which is disguised as an Otome in the beta testing stages. I’m also here to learn, so help with keeping to deadlines would be very appreciated!

If this concept seems interesting and you’d like to make further contact with me to inquire about story premises, portfolio work and the like, My email is Komkompeito@gmail.con and my discord is Kookoo#9262.

hey Goiiaba! 

I know I definitely need help with writing  and would love to have you on the team as a narrative designer! My background is Illustration and Graphic design along with a little animation.

I’m planning on joining NaNoRenO for the first time, the premise of my game is a Mystery story which is disguised as an Otome in the beta testing stages. I’m also here to learn, so writing help would be amazing!

If this concept seems interesting and you’d like to make further contact with me to inquire about story premises, portfolio work and the like, My email is Komkompeito@gmail.con and my discord is Kookoo#9262.