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A member registered Aug 09, 2023

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(1 edit)

Very cool game. Damp, but the game has just begun its development. A few ideas I could suggest:

Races: I would add more races, for example, orcadragons (well, we already have dragons, so why not), nagas (regular and furry), and maybe some avian

Animations: Probably what makes this game stand out from other similar games is the animation. 

Increased interactions: the world still seems empty sometimes, lacking more random encounters and events sometimes, although the arena dilutes this well.

As for the arena, I think you can somehow add up the usual scuffle and diversify the sex fight a little.In the usual, add some simple damage system And damage to body parts, maybe injured  for now, but in a fight, through arousal , you can do not only teasing, but also something similar to sex wrestling.

These are just my slightly silly ideas. The author is doing a very good job, and I just decided to leave ideas a little. I understand that all this is difficult to implement, but I hope this helps the developer. And give him ideas for the next updates.