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A member registered May 26, 2018

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download page doesn't exist. explain mate

can you make another version where you can add these characters or items if you want

1. Add a character called School shooter where he sounds like the bully and everytime you look at him he teleports you in front of baldi and baldi kills you.

2. add a object called a calculator so you can use it only for one notebook to answer the gibrish question (or you can hide the answer somewhere on the characters or something.) and make baldi move at the same speed and move slower if you find more hidden around somewhere

3. Add a object called a tranqulizing crossbow and makes him slap his ruler 15 times until he can move

4. and a MEANER bully where he takes All your items and apears at the same time as the SWEEP SWEEP broom

5. make the principal actually say "No breaking the fourth wall in the halls" if you do something someone would break the fourth wall

6 make the sock puppet appear very VERY common