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A member registered Feb 18, 2020

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dont remember the choice but it talks about finding the witches just cuz or finding them because they're monsters, say just cuz

rahim and amari in s2, zillah i believe too but you need to be on his rivalry path, chris is more vanilla so theres not a sub/dom dynamic

stuff like nerve, fighting, and all that yes, especially in S2. creativity gives you one of my favorite scenes where you beat someone with a frying pan in episode 10(??) but athleticism, tech, and stuff and personality stats you shouldn't worry TOO much about. they give different reactions and dialogue but nothing huge

worry about nerve

possible but hard since fears match you with the curse, easiest way to not get one is to get the incompetence fear and make sure to go find sydero first in hell so you don't get pride's curse.

only zillah has a explicit scene and its in the last episode

the relationship doesnt work on improving or getting worse. you just get two different storylines.