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It’s weird. Since the price is the same as the code, you should have access to it by clicking the button “Download Now” above. If this doesn’t work, you can try this:
I looked into it. It doesn’t want to update because it’s not the same signature. Sadly, I lost the old signature/keystore file when I reinstalled everything, so whenever I update an “old game,” this issue will appear. I just created a backup of the current keystore because I learned from my mistakes. It’s unlikely I’ll update the other games, and MyCharaMansion, Chara Injector, and Chara CC are already on the new signature so your saves should be safe from now on. Thanks for the report.
When you bought the game, you received a mail from which you can download the file “PREMIUM_CODE_v1.4.txt”. If you have lost this mail, go to this page:
I don’t know how you install the apk files but I think that you can install the new version without uninstalling the old version (it will replace the old version). If you’re worried, you can backup your save files:
Sorry, there is no way to transfer the save between the HTML version and the other versions. The old save should still work if you have played on PC. If you played on Android, the save should still work unless you uninstalled the game; in that case, the save was deleted when you uninstalled the game.
I wanted to answer but instead I wrote a blog post: