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A member registered Feb 22, 2022

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This was a very succinct little game that I enjoyed! I found some of the written rules a little confusing but stumbled my way through it. In my playthrough I ended up adapting the setting to ice hockey because I realized I hadn't a clue what some of the terms meant, but it worked well the way I played so I assume that the soccer setting works too. I'd love to play this with someone who is rooting for the opposing team to mine, and see how our coverage of the same events would differ. 

I played this the other night, and loved the mix of realistic and paranormal-feeling prompts. I ended up telling a story that I never intended to when I began, and I guess that's the point isn't it? Very good concept, and super relaxing to just sit and let the prompts guide you. I really liked the mechanic of choosing what the theme of the next prompt would be, so when it feels time to add introspection or give yourself the creeps, you can do so easily.