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A member registered Jun 23, 2018

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not happening

buy steam, hadnt had any issues in beta but the new version is prbably more optimized

new versions are being published on steam, if you mean for mac/linux, these are being worked on right now, if i recall correctly the mac version is underway but probably steam only since this isnt being updates anymore

it was moddable, but most of the community moved on  to steam, you can probably still find  some mods in the modding discord

this is the old version, nothing is going to change here anymore.
if you want the latest balance and content updates buy the game, its like 4 bucks rn i think

in the modding discord theres a mod that adds the original texture back in

theres competitive, sure its unofficial but ivy knows about it and its pretty easy to set up

theres an unofficial competitive client client for the beta rn which adds a rating system, ivy also said smthn about comp. in the main game but i forgot what exactly.

just redownload the game from the itchio page

are you still working on this? there have been no uptades on youre yt.