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A member registered Mar 10, 2022

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bruh tf are you yapping about did u understand the game at all?


An incredible game that tackles complex issues in the world in a smaller scale, the effects of tourism, capitalism, the sacrifice of long term planning to satiate temporary greed. I loved that in illustrating this story, they do not rob it of its fundamentally, uniquely human aspects. Demonte does not fall into the useless archetype of the evil billionaire's son, in the same way the truck driver (the player) is not some meaningless, impact less figure. They share a human connection, and have bonds, virtues and flaws that helps the player see that pollution is not some distant issue caused by just rich elitist assholes, but humans. People. Carelessness, disrespect. Naivety. 

Such an amazing game. Loved the atmosphere, characters and plot. Stunned to find out it was made by just a high school student!