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A member registered May 31, 2022

Recent community posts

I find it a bit hard to organize my text and image elements. Dragging and dropping them into the desired order feels clunky and inconsistent (unless I'm missing something).

I found the way the 'static' gallery used to work in previous versions to be better in that regard, when it was always locked on the left side of the page.


Great stuff once again, thanks! :)

Hi! Another suggestion if you don't mind! Would it be possible to implement a way to quickly move objects around in categories, such as by drag and dropping an object into a desired category/object?

It's a bit of a hassle to reclassify objects at the moment if you change a category's name.

Great solution! Thank you so much!

Great tool, been using it for some time now. Thank you for making it!

A small suggestion, would it be possible to add a feature where you can rightclick a category for example, to automatically make a new object in it? This would make it a bit easier to flesh out categories quickly, so you don't have to enter the category every time you make a new object.