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A member registered Oct 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

For a 72-hour development, It’s a good game. Definitely can be improve.

I didn’t know how to play the game until I scroll down. The power-up usage wasn’t obvious when using so I was confused what I activated.

The music and sound effects are good. And gameplay it is fun to compete (Although I was competing against myself.)

Game mechanics confusing, Gameplay fun, Music and art are good

Ah, there was a music video about them. Did you make those music videos?

Hello Hannyhon, could you add me as a admin to the game? My name is Alex Chheng in case my username got you confuse

Hey Yo!


Team members, if you can, leave a comment about the VGDA gamejam experience, what you learn, and what can you do for the next game, etc.

Players, we would like your comments about the game, what you like and dislike, what you believe could have done better, what is your opinions, which meme do you like, etc.

My experience in the VGDA gamejam was amazing, we were able to work together, share our knowledge and to release a playable video game! I learn more about Sourcetree managing and to combine our work together, I learn more about programming on C# and the flexible implementation to Unity like camera control, font appearance, etc. I also love to work and to motivate the group members to enjoy using their talent on the task they chose or receive. For the next game, I would still love to have all of us master the usage of GitHub/Sourcetree so that we can make sure our work are nicely bond together, I also would like to find resources for members to refer to so that they can extend themselves to use their skills. This paragraph is a mess but I love to express myself because the gamejam today was really fun!

I played the game, I find the game to be fustrating because of the core mechanic of thunder jump. When I want a timing jump, I would also like to feel the control of aiming left or right so I can feel the satisfaction of the thunder jump direction. I also don't like the moment when I release the space bar that the jump would dramatically reduce than what I expect of the physic. The narrative voice was not really noticable so I sometimes forgot what the story was about and it was a shame as the story could be fun. (Add option, I believe that is important to some players)

I do like the level layout, felt challenging but fun to overcome, though I did skip level 3. I also like the easter eggs in each levels. The enemies, though lack varies, are a great obstacle to overcome and are visually pleasing as they are different to the thunder thigh.

Though overall, the game does need core polish but the level was fun to play with the difficulty of the control it set itself to be.

The file is in .exe format now thanks to the kind angel in our team! so it should be able to run now, have fun to you and your friends!

Sorry but when we developed our game in GameMaker 2 engine trial, we didn't realized that it would not export our project in .exe or other compile form.

Right now we're trying to upload a new file but it can only be execute using gamemaker program install on a computer :P