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Yotoge Collection (Kimiyoto)

A member registered Mar 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!! Hope you have fun! (I love the main theme a lot too haha)

Not at all, I think you sounded fine! Thank you so much for taking the time to record it!!

Sorry for the late reply, but thank you so much for playing!
Will definitely do something about the text;;
I actually agree that it didn't end in a way that would get people to want to continue reading, so I'm really glad you mentioned it haha;; I actually had something else planned for the end of the demo (which I hope to add in a later update)
Also glad you enjoyed the animations, hearing people like it made it worth the effort ^o^

I updated the file, try redownloading now! Hopefully it works aha

Which version did you download? (mac/pc)
Also what is the error stated? I'll try looking into it-

Thank you so much!! Really glad you enjoyed the animations as well! We'll do our best. o/ 

Thank you so much for playing!! Will try to do something about the font, was kinda worried about that as well haha;;; We'll keep working at it! ^o^)9

Oh I didn't know that deleting your own post would still showup-
I was just saying we found some errors and were gonna fix them 

Anyway, just updated the files! Hopefully there are no more major issues.

nah thank you for playing! Glad to hear you enjoyed it ;w; b