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Kilz Knight

A member registered Mar 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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The game is pretty dead unfortunately haha

Hi, I am sorry :/ I would love to, but unfortunately I am already working on other projects, and this one is very old :/

Thank you! :)

Sorry :/ The game is pretty much dead right now :/

don't play it then


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Yeah.. x)

Thank you ! And don't worry haha!

That isn't very nice

Ah yeah I can see him haha xD

Hey, sorry :/ I don't plan of updating this game as it is pretty old right now, I am sorry :/ it was just a summer project that I made for fun :/

Thanks !

But please do not post any other bad words, we don't do that here, I've deleted your other comment that had a very bad word in it

That is very sweet thank you !

Thank you ! That makes me very happy ! :)

Sorry I don't have the right Unity version installed rn :/ And I don't want to corrupt the project or download an old version of Unity

Hey, sorry I would have loved to, but I am working on another game right now which I released on Steam :/

Im very sorry :/ But thank you again for your comment ! It makes me very happy ! :)

Hey ! Thank you for your comment ! Happy that you had some fun ! :)

Yeah sorry haha, it was just a summer project in between school sessions :P

Thank you for your comment ! :)

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Hey guys ! Im publishing on Steam for the first time ! The name of the game is AI Battle Royale Generator, if you are interested here is the Steam link :

Thank you ! :)

Nicee :P Thank you for the comment !! Every time I see a comment it makes me happy !


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Yeah sorry :/ The number of players have decreased by 400%, finding a game is gonna be harder :/ But not impossible if you have time haha !

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Thank you ! But I think YOU rock my friend :P

Btw You are so good for writting with squares XD way better than me lol

Heyyy ! I am doing good ! How about you ? :P Your comment makes me feel very happy ! haha Thank you so much !

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Sorry since 1-2 weeks the game has a very low player count :/ Sorry man

Sorry guys, the game is now pretty much dead, averaging 30 players per day (1 month ago it was 150 and 3 months ago it was 350)

Finding a game is gonna be very hard ! Sorry guys ! Nothing I can do :/

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Im so happy XD I made that game during a summer break XD didn't expect it to get 50k players XDD

Thank you ! :)

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Hey, is it the game loading or is it finding a player that is long?

The first time you run the game will take the longer since all the assets needs to load ! But after that, everytime you'll launch the game, it will takes less than 10 seconds !

Sometime if the loading bar is stuck, you might want to try and refresh the page

Thanks ! :)

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Sorry guys, the game has way less players than before :/ So finding a game could be hard :/

If you find it long, you can let the tab open while searching for players.

I've made that if a player is found, it says "Heyyyy you are two !" so you guys can hear it even if you are on another tab !

So don't worry ! You can let the tab open and go do other things while searching for a second player !

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I'll do some games with you if you want

I do my games with Unity (Game Engine)

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Thanks for telling me ! Unfortunatly I can't fix it now :/ I stopped the developpement of this game a while back :/ And since I have very poor internet, I would have to redownload the good unity version, then fix the bug and then reupload the good version, which would be an easy fix, but very long since my internet is bad :/ Sorry

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Please don't spam the comment section haha ! Had to delete some comments ! This isn't a chatroom haha :P

Btw thanks to everybody that still play the game !

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Hello, would you mind telling me on which map?

I wish I did at the begining haha ! Unfortunatly, I have alot of other projects to do :/ I would love to do it, but this project is so old that I have the fear to break something if I touch it hahaha