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A member registered Jul 18, 2022

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With this being the first initial phases of the game i would like to say good job so far dev because it is a good an interesting game, keep up the good work :). There are a couple things that I might note and one of them is I feel like the tools at the top right of the screen should be available at all times (except events and what not) and the return to map option for places be removed and replaced with a button on that top right toolbar with a little map icon. I feel it would just declutter the screen where you choose where you want to go and make traversing easier. I also found a bug (might just be my dumbass) where I was in gallery and accidentally saved which reset my progress to that scene and afterwards give me rollback errors here and there . for that I would say remove the bottom toolbar when you are in a gallery scene (not an actual one)

So far I love this game and can't wait to see where it goes. I wish you luck on your journey as you further progress this game, ill be along every step of the way

I made an account to put a comment down 

I feel like this game is very innovative because when you see a lot of sex games it is usually male pc but here it is female and the entire perspective you get doing so is crazy. For example my pc lost her virginity at the bar from a drunkard and I honestly feel kinda bad seeing how there could have been a good route to take. It gives the player a lot more thought when it comes to choicds . overall I feel this is a great game and I love the work that has been done. 

Also could you make size customizable xd (breast and ass) sorry thought I might as well ask