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A member registered Mar 26, 2019

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(1 edit)

Have to say that after see her comics decide buy this, and that orc really that orc battle is so horrible that make want a refound, is so horrible made that dont know how anyone could not see it. 
First is long 1 hour and still not saw the end (lvl 5-6), you lose party members in 4 stage, you cannot save until you won. Now even if after fail you not have to fight the stages before... is so bad made that after 2 tries I give up.. on game... well never saw if you have to fight all over again.. but even with that.. is bs. 
So nope have to say not buy this game... really.. I had give bad reviews in steam for less stressfull games.
Update. ok V1.3 seems work at least that battle seems was not so bad now... and balanced, well stll not finish all game but go in the line of the comics so if you like the comics this game could be fun for you.