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A member registered Jan 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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I think this game definitely improved from the last time I saw it in beta. I think improving the movement of the player is a great choice as well as adding the UI controls to match the theme makes the game more enjoyable. The idea is great and the gameplay is a lot smoother when you all took the feedback into consideration, so great job! It is really fun.

This is such a creative idea for a game. I really like the calmness of this game compared to traditional adventure and shooting games. Also, the idea of the game is really flushed out and matches the storyline you guys created.

I love seeing the development of this game from the alpha to beta to the final version. You guys did an amazing job making this a fully flushed out game. When I first saw it, some of the sprites were not consistent in their style and I'm glad that it all worked out.

I really like the uniqueness of this game and the ability to "choose your own story". Even though it is a simple text based game, it is still all the more fun. I think adding some animation or video might make the background/story more interactive and immersive for the player.

I really like the concept of a pirate ship/exploration theme. This was a big improvement from the beta and I like graphics and how the game controls. The assets in this are really cool and adds to the experience of playing the game.

I like the idea of this game, similar to an escape room vibe and exploring different areas for clues. I had a chance to see this game in beta and you all improved and built more on top of it. Overall, the game is fun to play and has a great mystery/exploration aspect to it.

I really like the concept and feel of this game because it brings out a really comfy vibe rather than the stress of escaping. It reminds me of Overcooked with a similar cooking/chill vibe but with less stress in the playing of the game. Overall, I like how the game works.

Honestly a well done and professional game in terms of style, functionality, UI! It was fun to explore the map. The assets in this game is what captured my attention because it is so well done.I really like how everything works together cohesively and brings out the best player experience in terms of the dialogue, movement, aesthetics.

(1 edit)

The music is a great choice when I first heard it, I thought it was a good match. I like the idea and playing it was really fun exploring and the different levels and functionalities. The world you all built was really cool and matches the theme really well! 

I love this concept, it's really cute and unique! You all did a great job integrating  an idea into a storyline through the perspective of a kid that is experiencing emotions and and creating functionality in a game to match that. The graphics and levels are really well done and fun to play as well.

The theme is really cute! I love the concept of it. The game plays well, but I think the player movement could be improved by increasing the friction of the snowman because it feels a little slidy. But overall, this was fun to play!

The concept is great and fun. I like the sprite artwork and level design and sounds added, it’s clean and works well with the storyline, which is super important in keeping the player engaged. I think the game could be improved by making the edges on the platforms cleaner, maybe by adding curves because it doesn’t integrate well with the background.

My favorite part about this game is the artistic creativity that it brings in terms of the player and the platforms. It’s really cute and the theme/development is really clean. I think the game could be improved by adding a better UI. I think the Halloween theme is really unique and you guys made it work. 

I like the abundance of creativity in the concept and the drawings of the sprites because it’s so intricate for both the enemy and the player characters. The sounds used in this game are really cool. I think the game could be improved to make the user experience more immersive by adding UI in place of health and ammo.

I really like the effort and creativity and elaborateness of this game because it feels like the world keeps on extending and it keeps the fun/energy up for the user to keep playing and exploring. I also like how you took the player into account when adding the checkpoints. The UI could be improved by having visual indicators for the information such as score and highest score.