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A member registered Jan 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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My game is a puzzle game where you are trying to escape a jam factory where the jam has become sentient.

While I have a fair amount of general coding experience, this is my first time actually "finishing" a game project. It was made with the Monogame framework. I hadn't used Monogame or any of the tools to make graphics or audio before so it was a lot of learning on the fly. My main goal was to implement A* pathfinding in code. For the longest time I understood it conceptually but couldn't make it work in the code. I am proud to say I figured that out and feel like I was able to create a fairly interesting puzzle game out of it. Now that I have got a hang of the basics, I think my next step is to improve my art skills, audio, and making an actual UI.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out how to get a html5 build out of Monogame since it isn't native and requires a little extra work and time I didn't have, so its download only.