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A member registered Nov 27, 2022

Recent community posts

Yo I'm back, I have an idea how about putting a costumize setting where u can costumize them with or without clothes, also I have an idea for the new area, and the area is the rooftop and the hiding spot for the tentacle is a trash bin or something

I love the game but can you please add different positions in every room, because it's kinda boring when you only see the same position in every room, I wanna see other positions like double penetration in the gym, double penetration in the locker, and etc. I hope the creator see this

How did you get the animation below Annie and Mason? I really need the animation

U need jellyhailey

How did you get the 4 animations below?

(1 edit)

 how to get these animations?

what I mean is the version 7.2 but free

Anyone have link or apk? 

Anyone have link?

Can someone send the link? 

Can someone send the link?

Hey LAGS I have a suggestion, can u make 3 or 2 different sex animations in each boss? 

Hey LAGs, when will the Android version coming out?

For those who is asking when will the android version will be released, plss be patient its not easy to create or update a game not all games can be created or updated that easily, so plss be patient and i know lags is working on it and he is updating it as fast as he can and give him time to rest or clam down

Still no update :(

Ok thanks

Sorry, what i mean is can you also update the demo when you update the game

Can you make a story or level where hailey got kidnap and annie will play 5 or more levels so she can rescue hailey, so there will be a animation for annie

Can you plss update the demo when u update the original server of the game? I'll be back for the answer

Ohh ok, and can you update us when itch will be adding a new way to pay? 

ohh and btw can u add  a octopus in the water or something and add a tentacle boss and add some new characters(im just suggesting because i really want the game to be better) and can you also update the demo when the original game is updated it will make the one's who don't have credit card or who can't pay happy and me too, ok thanks ill be back for the answer

Ohh ok thanks, can you update us if there will be a new to pay? Thank you

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Can u please make a payment without a credit card? Because i really wanna buy the game but it really needs a credit card, so plss solve that kind of problem so the other peoples can buy the game without ctedit card, some people will be happy if you made that happen and me too, so ill be looking forward for that ok byee ill be waiting for the answer tommorow

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When i pay  paypal with php does it automaticaly convert it with usd? Btw plss reply because i want to buy the game oh and i'm a pilipino and i have a suggestion on the game, i suggest u add another enemys, like a floating jellyfish and a orc and a 4 legged dog or creature that's all thanks and ill keep questioning about the payment because i really want to buy it but i have to make sure if it works when i buy it with php and it will automaticaly convert it to usd, ok byee ill be back tommorow for the answer and i will keep some suggesting if u want

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Can you plss make a payment in gcash? Because its hard to pay with paypal without credit card and btw im from philipines, so please make a payment out of gcash sorry im kinda bad at english

Can u make a payment with Gcash plsss because its hard to pay without credit card, because i don't have a credit card

how to download  haily's treasure adventure [v0.6.2]?