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A member registered Oct 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Fun game!

Nice small game, the main issue is that the asteroids are spawning very close to the player ( you can see the rock spawn ) and often inside the player with no chance to escape.

At least it works.

I like the rooms and the assets, and I liked your game idea "on paper". If you can finish your idea it would be very cool. Always open to review or play it in the future.

Interesting idea for a platformer. Easy to cheese and win the game by hugging the walls and then jumping. The second platform seemed impossible, but I managed to wallhug and then defeat the enemies and win the game. You can use PhysicsMaterial2D to fix the wallhugging issue and for jumping use raycast (to allow jumping again)

Very cool idea! Would be ideal on a phone and /or speedrunning with timers etc

Nice demo

(1 edit)

Great demo, had lots of fun with it!
EDIT: Was so good we made a video out of it

I did not get all the groceries sadly.

Shopping gone wrong - YouTube


Thanks for the kind comment!

I think the game looked very good, but it was quite boring for someone like me. Thanks for making the game!

I will definitely give it another go someday. I love this game!

I cant wait until this game is fully released so I can play it again. I played like 10 updates ago and it was great!

Thanks for sharing the demo! Continue working on it I like the art style!

I briefly took out the trash in my indie mix video
FOOD FOR PIGS Is not even the worst game out of the bunch! - YouTube

Your game was included in my mixed bag of indies!

FOOD FOR PIGS Is not even the worst game out of the bunch! - YouTube

(2 edits)

A mixed bag of games, but this weird game made the cut

FOOD FOR PIGS Is not even the worst game out of the bunch! - YouTube

My score 0.1 beat it noobs

I will chip in with with a funny video about this marvellous game

This game is quite fun! There's room for updates or extra features but  I did like what I played!

The Struggle of WHAT!? - YouTube

The demo was quite good, too short though

I played this and the slide game..

That is good to hear :)

I also made a video about it.

LSD Galaxy - YouTube

that's all.

Build the game, zip it and upload the zip file. Game needs more than just an .exe file :D

You can find the start video on discord under the gamejam channel. There is no stream for today so you can get into developing right away!
Stream will happe on Sunday where we play all the games and wrap up.

Please fill this form to register your team and teammates

Comment here if you want to team up, list your skills or something you can do to help your group!

(1 edit)

Hi everyone,

Thanks again for making a game, I would like if you all publish the game you made on the unity connect page as well. 

Join school and publish your game -

wow nice stuff!

Cool game! Played it using a controller, the controls were pretty nice. It took me like 15 minutes to finish the game, but it was pretty cool. The end boss was tough though. Loved the graphics and sounds.

Only thing to improve would be to implement sounds when enemy gets hit and/or dies.

Thank you very much for playing our game, I am happy you liked it and made a video about it!
