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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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She cannot! It forces you into the forest.

All right, new version that should fix this issue is now up! I'm so sorry for the trouble, I accidentally clicked one little thing, and it broke the whole game haha. If you have any further issues, please don't be afraid to reach out!!

I'm sorry, I think that may be a problem with itch, and not my end! I double checked to make sure you wouldn't, and it definitely looks like you should not have to pay again, at least on my end.  I wish I could help more, but I think you'll have to contact itch.

ahhh, how fun for me—new bugs haha I’ll get to work on them tomorrow. I’m so sorry, I’ll definitely fix them!!

Hello, I've attempted to add an accessibility mode! I've updated the game files to show this! You'll need to speak to Sekigawa-san, the old lady outside Chi's house, and she'll be able to turn it on! If you have issues, please let me know!

If you go to YouTube, ManlyBadassHero has played the game. Some of the top comments have all but Chi’s father’s text. :)

As of right now, there isn’t—but I can figure something out for you, I’m sure! I didn’t expect the game to gain as much attention as it did, so I didn’t think as hard about accessibility, and I regret that. I’ll let you know when I update the game, and I’ll be putting in such accessibility features in from the beginning  in the future.  Thank you for playing it at all!