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A member registered Feb 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you digged it! :)

My original idea was quite bigger, with several "worlds", equipment (you can tell by the *huge* empty spaces in the HUD, hahaha), and overall variety, but realized it would be too much work that would be lost if Konami claimed it to be put down. However I learned a lot that I really want to use in the future in a completely original game :)

There's quite a lot that I deliberately kept secret for you to find out, just like in the older times. A big part of this project was trying to bring together people to share their discoveries (on secret maneuvers, cheat codes, hidden areas, scoring...) It's not only the old games' look what I miss, but the way we played them and the experience of playing itself! To me videogames, even single-player ones, were a way to socialize with other people when I was young.

Every comment, suggestion and critique is welcome, so don't hesitate to tell!

Thanks for playing and commenting!! :D