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A member registered Jun 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm gonna work hard on my art so I can get the art book.
I have to return the support that the others has given to me as an artist.
I really thought that Trixie will not contain some parts for LeRose and the other cast of Parsnip (that was kinda true, surprisingly).
I expect gaining some insight about the other casts like the Magnificent Magpie.

On my watch.

On my watch.
Probably has something that was referenced in the recent games!

On my watch.
I just need to get some free time.

On my watch list.
I'm excited to know what's in here.

I had a lot of fun with the innuendo, the other jokes... some self-aware comments from Trixie about this game and the recent game's writing * W *

Nikita is even more lovable!
Trixie now portrays more of her "bad at lying" quality!
Tabby joined the party <3

Overall, its a goodie supplemental!

 The books/tome stuff, the spiral stuff brings me back to TMA, and some Uzumaki...

I'll be waiting for another creative work from you guys~

Gameplay : ★★★★☆
Story : ★★★★☆
Dialogue  : ★★★★☆
Characters : ★★★★★
Art : ★★★★★
Music :  ★★★★★

I'm so glad that Manlybadasshero introduced me to Parsnip, a lovely game you guys made before <3

The art book will give you goody insight about the characters!

The soundtrack (BGM)  is very well made! Reminds me of Advance Wars character themes! Carcosa (BGM) is very spooky! Helps the writing send additional goosebumps!

- My top 3 -

"The Laziest Afternoon"

Violin... Guitar... PERFECTION

Just check this out... Very fitting <3 

"That Crystal Goth"
I consider this as a part of Trixie Trixs (game)... Very lovely flute!

I've done all of the routes (Heidi, Gregg & Bell)

Heidi route, I think Heidi is the most open and caring to Trixie, even though she's willing to use Trixie for her "Poundtown" deals...

What I think is canon?
Bell route (Just played the follow up/supplemental game today, I'll tell you my thoughts about it in the follow up game's page * W *) Yeah, the follow up game confirmed my thoughts about the Bell route, since I think it develops Trixie more than other routes. Made Trixie open up to us and to someone she's friends with...

Gregg Route?

Nikita funnily enough reminds me of myself, minus the straightforwardness.

I feel sorry for Trixie.

Neufrund New Friend, he's creeping me out, but he's kinda cute though~

Heidi... Hahahahahaha... I feel sorry for her.

Bell still rocks.

Parsnip is very cute, although he's not really himself. (Or is he???)
On my first playthrough I did my best to stay "friendly true" to him.
I enjoyed all of the parts that has him in it <3
I still can't dismiss that pixelated artwork of his though * W * I think LeRose redraw it on this game.

LeRose seems autobiographical at some instances (that costume change). If its true... then the "rant" on Parsnip will make the vibes of spite I've got even more real.  In a third world country, you'll most likely get to rant something about the accessibility of art tools. That you can get restricted in expressing yourself for financial reasons. You can be crafty, unless you're not taught or influenced enough to push forward and be resourceful. I'm speaking of my elementary school days. Speaking of this hobby of mine, I'm financially incapable of getting myself a pentab. I've been making art with just this mouse of mine since 2017. I learned to be resourceful and used this guide to help myself. I feel hopeless, then hopeful, then hopeless, then hopeful, then hopeless, then hopeful, but I'll continue going against the current nonetheless. Capitalism is important to make art "valuable" but in return... you must invest financially on the tools, to build something that can help you make a living out of art.

Final words,

As a trainee priestess, I have no will to criticize.
I'm just here enjoying what you guys are making.
Others can do it themselves for the sake of helping in improving the creative work.

I'm from South East Asia, the price set is affordable and reasonable. Thank you guys for making this game accessible for people like me.

The biggest strengths you guys have I think... MUSIC, CHARACTERS, and ART 

Keep up the good work <3