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A member registered Jan 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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I feel I need to preface every video I do with "I am very stupid" XD
This was really good and I had a good time with it! (Even if I do sound fed up at times, I just miss a lot of obvious things, but overall I enjoyed it. The ending was worth it haha)

I was very bad at this and it took my stupid butt over half an hour to figure out how to drive properly, but I enjoyed checking this out! Best of luck with development, very cool idea :D

This was such a delightful game, I had such a good time playing it! (Ignore my complaints about controller support, I realise partway through the video it was just my controller being the problem haha)

Very cute game project! Lovely homage to classic colourful platformers - I enjoyed checking it out~ :D 

Really enjoyed this game! Even though I was extremely dumb throughout it XD Look forward to playing Spectacle some time too uvu Great job!

I played this back around Christmas, meant to post it here and forgot...But I had an absolute blast with this game! The graphics and gameplay were nostalgic, it was fun and not too infuriating haha

Absolutely lovely work!

I absolutely ADORED this! 10/10 would get chased by scary ramen again XD
I really hope to play Episode 2 if and when you release it~ ;u;

Had some good fun with this! Even if I was being pretty dumb when it came to the weapon-locker XD  Would love to play it again if it becomes a full game! Great job~ uvu

Had a lot of fun with this! It was very charming and definitely had my nerves going at times, especially in the abandoned ward with all the chairs hahah- And the music was lovely! Wonderful game~ <:

Very sweet story! Adorable artwork and lovely execution~ uvu

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!