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Keis Gaming

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Love Indomie! A fun and silly short horror game. Good design overall dev and looking forward to more from you.

Mundane but for the merits of a jump scare. Nice design overall but I did experience a bug when the game ended/looped.

A subtle and laxed horror game - appreciate the pixel art.

An instant short-horror classic! The design of the game was nothing short of appreciation. Really loved the pacing, storytelling and atmosphere - well delivered homage to the urban legend! In addition to the game, the jump scare is a chef's kiss.


The puzzles are only a slight challenge and enjoyable overall. Really appreciated the art and the sound effects used were very eerie. The laughing track from jumping houses gave me the chills. However, it could have incorporated some music and the jumping back-forth from the houses was creative but became just a bit mundane. Overall, great work devs!

A short and subtle horror game that isn't overdone and solely reliant on it's jump scare. Loved the art-style and atmosphere - well executed devs!

A cute and creepy little horror game. Although, it could do with some music/ambient music. It's a fun play and the art and lore aspect of the game is something to appreciate.

A short eerie experience with I presume to be a plot twist - appreciated the retro-style.

Great art design first and foremost. The game was enjoyable but I did experience some stutters and ended up crashing eventually.

An eerie and unsettling game. Really appreciated how raw  and grotesque this game was.


Though the gameplay doesn't stand out in particular, I really loved how it was justified with the plot and the storytelling. The game has a great atmosphere that leaves an unsettling feeling and keeps you guessing the meaning behind all of these series of events.

A quick fun play. Loved the vibe of the game and great design overall.

Creepy, eerie and suspenseful. I really liked the slow build up. The aesthetics and design were nothing short of appreciation. An enjoyable play - keep up the great work devs!

Loved the retro style! The pacing was great and the puzzles were challenging - an enjoyable play. Great design overall and keep up the work devs!

An eerie horror experience, with subtle jump scares but relied more on intent and delivery. The design was something to appreciate. Well executed devs and looking forward to more!

A very creepy and atmospheric game. Pacing was just right to build up the suspense! Nice design and fluid gameplay overall without constant guessing on what to do like most Indie games. I look forward to more from you - great job dev!

As one dimensional as this game may have been I found it quite challenging, haha! This game was a pleasure with subtle horror and very suspenseful. Great job dev!

I really appreciate the uniqueness of this game - concept of gameplay and design were well executed. It was slightly slower pace but paired well with the atmosphere.

I experienced a bug with one of the webs being uncleanable. Other than that, it has a subtle horror, chill and relaxing experience!

There were some design flaws with movable objects that made the overall gameplay suffer just a bit. One of the dwarves was getting stuck behind the wooden objects in the room directly to the left of the initial spawn point. Overall, it was an aesthetically pleasing game, hilarious in certain aspects and I hope you continue to pursue game development!

I didn't experience any bugs, however, the respawn point of FunBun could definitely be moved back just a bit because when you leave the spawn area you could get unalived immediately. First and foremost, great job on your first entry! This was a quick and fun game and I hope you continue to pursue game development!

Though I am unable to judge the game entirely due to a bug while climbing the rubble, it was an overall enjoyable experience with chill vibes.

The music compliments the gameplay very nicely - funny game to lighten the mood!

An instant classic. Loved the atmosphere,  music, controls and design - all very fluid. It was an enjoyable experience and I look forward to more. Great job devs!

Just scrolled through all of the notes and realized that I witnessed the looping bug. The grain was a bit extra but overall atmosphere and music was nice. I can't judge the game entirely but enjoyed what I was able to experience.

A silly and atmospheric game - alternative to lighten the mood. It was an enjoyable experience and the graphics are were nice. Always, appreciate games with multiple endings for those who really want to get into it!

A subtle horror experience - very atmospheric!

An excellent horror game - great design overall. I really appreciated the storytelling and the pacing of the game. It was full of suspense and didn't rely solely on a cheap jump scare! I look forward to playing the first installment!

A very lax fishing experience - my fishing kills caught me by surprise!

A progressive build up of suspense and tension to be dispelled later with non-stop horror. It was an enjoyable game!

An eerie and unique way to incorporate American Folklore. I was unalived so much I considered just trying to unlock all of the death screens as a personal achievement since I was so close to that. A fun and enjoyable experience as a park ranger - great atmosphere!

A subtly eerie horror experience. It was hard to guess what kind of entity would be the pick of the litter since the "fuse" popped up out of nowhere. Great cohesion between atmosphere, design and audio.

The atmosphere was eerie, really appreciated the ambience of the game and the game design/controls were very fluid. Got chills down my spine while playing and some frustration from constantly dying.  This game was definitely a challenge trying to remember where I was going but achievable. Great work dev and look forward to seeing more from you!

(1 edit)

The atmosphere was eerie, really appreciated the ambience of the game and the game design/controls were very fluid. Got chills down my spine while playing and some frustration from constantly dying.  This game was definitely a challenge trying to remember where I was going but achievable. Great work dev and look forward to seeing more from you!

A suspenseful horror game with a huge plot twist - only to be appreciated! It definitely has a unique take and provides a good laugh. Great job dev!

The buildup was slow and suspenseful with many jumpscares! It was a very enjoyable piece and I consider this to be an classic! Great job dev!

A fantastic horror game - puzzles that aren't too difficult and a spooky atmosphere keeps you on your toes. It kept me wondering if I should get up from streaming to check my room. I really appreciate the inception aspect of it and the design is very unique - one of a kind game! Great job dev!

The puzzles are a doable challenge and had atmosphere to pair with. There were some bugs here and there like getting stuck on certain areas and crashes but nothing that really took away from the experience. A fantastic puzzle horror game!