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A member registered Nov 16, 2020

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(2 edits)

welp, I had no idea, I thought it's joke cuz music note on door, toilet for musicans. Thanks for telling me 

(1 edit)

I finished demo, all songs and here are my humble thoughts and BUGS found:

1. Cream Cheese Icin is much, much harder compared to Nami, Stir & Mix and Grease Poppin. Finishing it took me longer than those 3 combined, even when playing demo for 2nd time. I enjoy this game being hard, but first song (excluding tutorial) easier than 3 next ones including boss isn't something I expected. Still easier than Tennis and Sidechain

2. Hard mode would be amazing, but I'm sure there will be one in future if there is normal and easy mode already

3. "Making wish" thing is masterpiece! :D

4. I like old Cream Cheese Icin little more. Voices, music and all. Only change I would prefer to be is spray painting

5. First bug is seeing trough walls, once you're touching them. You can see under Melodii's stairs, trough walls in her home and outside

6. At the end of Sidechain Fever I had lags. Not to big ones, but lags in rhytm games are lethal.

7. I'm not against it, but in this world, politics etc. Melodii's interaction with bathrooms in McWave's can be disliked by people 

However I still love this game, can't wait for full version, will totally buy or preorder it and personally I find Sidechain and Nami songs best <3 

I really hope game will be upgraded in future

I can't wait untill it'll be dark outside to try it!

Perfect update, but game really should be harder and/or have longer gameplay, and have some kind of jumpscare(s) made by Saiko. GIVE HER JUMPSCARE! 

+ pros/ - cons in my opinion:

+ she is smart and can be hard to outplay, which makes game more fun to play +

- she is smarter than me -

+ body parts jumpscares are making me aware and sensitive +

- sorry for my bad English -

+ she is so cute when asking for key <3 +

- I don't like how it begins. I don't mean intro, but after player turns on power, she knows where player is. That's FORCING me to wait in a locker at the very beginning, cuz I don't want to hug her (i'm gay) -

+ I didn't knew anime girls can be scary +

- game not playable, too scary -

+ neverending entertainment, because I can't beat hard mode +

- she MAY NOT lock player in school and kill, because that's ILLEGAL -

+ ^ fuck rules ^ +

The best horror game ever <3 (except Genshin Impact)