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A member registered Aug 27, 2021

Recent community posts

(2 edits)

Thanks for the great TTRPG!

Can I translate this work into Japanese and publish it for free?

I want to spread it in Japan.

The Japanese version has been released for free. Please let me know if you have any problems.

You can also cancel publication immediately.

Мы только что отправили Вам письмо.

Пожалуйста, проверьте его, так как оно могло по ошибке попасть к спамеру.

Если Вы не получили письмо, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом.

Подумайте, как с Вами связаться.

Я - японец.

Меня заинтересовала эта игра, и я хотел бы поиграть в нее на японском языке.

Но я не понимаю по-русски, поэтому читаю содержимое с помощью машинного перевода.

Могу ли я получить текстовые данные, чтобы попытаться создать японскую версию?

Заранее большое спасибо.

I am late.

I followed your Twitter account. please confirm.

Here is my account. @kazma1974032

thank you!

his is my Twitter!


Thank you for the best game!

I am Japanese.

May I translate this game into Japanese and publish it for free?

Thank you for the best game!

I am Japanese.

May I translate this game into Japanese and publish it for free?

Glad I could help!

(1 edit)

I have a question I would like you to tell me.

On page 3, it says that the items the PC has are d10, but on page 4, the items the sample has are all d8. I would like to know the difference.

Thank you! I will check the credits carefully and publish it.

Thank you for the interesting game.

I translated this game into Japanese, can I publish it?

↓ Japanese version

Thank you!

I'm thinking of playing this game.

In this game, are the toys adventuring alone or with their children?

Thank you! It's published!

Thanks for the interesting game.

I translated this game into Japanese, can I publish it?

↓ Japanese version