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A member registered Jan 12, 2022

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The main reason I won't reincarnate is i says you don't get starting gold. It seems like a lot of work to get back to where I am without it so I'm just farming til I have 200 coins then I'll reincarnate. 

Does anyone have a recipe list? I have played with it a lot, but I feel like I'm just doing the same things over and not remembering to change it up haha

When the new update came out I had to unlock several buildings again. The hamburger stand also crashes on browser when you put an item to the store front. Not always, but often. 

When you reincarnate at the temple are you supposed to have gold when you start or start fully over?

I just have to say the dev for this game is amazing. Every bit of feedback people have given is taken and implemented in great ways. Much love on this end. 

No, but some quest are for items that require rubber, so I would like to set it to just load my rubber items for a bit. I know I can just fire them all and do it myself, but it would save some time. 

This happens to me a lot, but usually after I make a change, or when I do something that's already know to make an error like bombing a mole. A refresh has been fixing it for me when it happens. 

It would be helpful for some missions to be able to select what the trash workers put in the recycling center. Similar to how the forge works. 

I know its a small thing, but in the web version if you added a volume adjustment rather then just mute and unmute I think people would appreciate it. I personally like the sound, but not as loud as it is, but have to keep my chrome volume up for work. 

Unless I add tools like the coal grabber thing. I'm still finding out how much fuel to add to balance those properly for me. 

I add 2 tanks per 1 drill and it seems to give me plenty of fuel. 

The way watering cans sell when you have multiple seems broken. The more you have the higher the Sell All option is. However it does not sell all of them, just one use per can you own by the looks of it. It gives you gold like you sold them all though. Maybe I am missing something here. 

Just found this game, great distraction at work.