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A member registered Jun 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Doubt comes in is an excellent two player game based on Hadestown, though knowledge or even life of the base material is not needed. You play as the lover or the singer and you descend into the Underworld to retrieve the lover, playing out scenes as you do and sort of taking turns describing how your relationship formed and worked. It's a beautiful narrative game, that we highly enjoyed with a truly interesting ending feature. Either you know the lover comes along with you, thus forcing them to stay in the Underworld, or you don't, and the ending is a bit unclear from there. If you enjoy narrative building games between two people then definitely pick this one up and give it a go! It's worth your time! We played it live over on Off the Table and really enjoyed it and what we built from it!

rarely review games because I feel like the things I have to say don't add much but... this genuinely creeped me out in the best of ways in such a short period of time. Sure, there could be more endings and it could be longer, but for the amount of content it accomplished a lot. If you were to expand it, I could see it growing into something even more. But for what it is? It's really good and effective.