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A member registered Jan 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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I sorry about that the game is still unfinished, so the gameplay is only half complete. However, once it's done, it will be a rogue-lite invasion game. I'm really happy that you played and liked it!

OMG, thank you so much! I'm thrilled that you liked it. This is still an unfinished project, but it will be better to look at and play once it's done.

Thanks a lot. I'm really happy that you played and enjoyed the gameplay. When we invest more time and attention into this game, it will offer a fun and interesting gameplay experience.

Yeah, I know... We will finish this game and polish it. After that, it will be a playable and fun game to play.

Unfortunately yes, we will be able to focus on this game in the coming days. However, we have some great ideas for it and will be working on it soon! I really appreciate you playing this game.