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A member registered Sep 22, 2020

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Sooo i just made a new game and repeated everything till all of the girls were level 5. I think that i broke my save by rewatching some scenes and leveling up Fara and Luna to 6 somehow, after that nothing happened for me. So i guess thats a bug.

Happily i can proceed in the game now. Thanks for your time helping me though looking forward to see future updates. :)

I've already looked t the quests and tips the only tip that i have is to form realtionship with others for lucys level 5 and the prolouge quest. Also i have done every other quest except for the ruins quest which i cannpt seem to trigger bcs maria wont show up anywhere i've been az all places durikg all time phases and nothing. I really don't hope my game bugged. I also slept like a whole week without things happen 

Yeah the thing is that i've already got all of them on level 5 and i really don't know what to do 

Hello! first of all great game. 

However i do have some questions cause i'm stuck rn i got all the girls up to level 5 except Lucy she is still at level 4 and i found no way of leveling her up .

I think i have to find Maria but she won't appear anywhere for me so please help me!