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A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is probaly  caused by your screen being  too small? This is also an issue i discovered whilst developing the game, and its something i intend to fix about my engine. However, it will probably not be fixed within the jams timeframe so there is sadly nothing you can do   to fix this problem   :(

(1 edit)

Please download the patch build, as i accidentally uploaded an earlier  version that had a habit of crashing quite often.

Quick disclamer: This was made with my own game engine , which in turn means that the result is very unstable. During development i discovered quite a few places where the engine could be improved / made more stable. However, this is not something i will be able to implement within the jams rating period, which in turn means: this game is not guaranteed to work on every machine, due to its instability.