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A member registered Mar 04, 2023

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That's what I thought was supposed to happen, but I was stuck in this loop where I beat the low level form, then it would take me back to the dialogue at the beginning of the event where I'd have to make the choice between "who are you" and "get out of my way" and enter the fight again. I think I defeated the rabbit about 6 or so times before I started to wonder if I was doing something wrong lmao

I'm replaying the game, and I decided to grind before Phoebe's dungeon, attempting to get every girl and figurine before her dungeon since I wouldn't be able to come back until I finished the quest. The first time I played, I barely made it through the dungeon, so I wanted to be prepared. However, I'm now stuck in the intro sequence to the dungeon, as it's clear the shadow rabbit requires me to lose to it, but given that I'm level 18 and it's level 11, it's just not happening. I kill it in three hits, so all I can do is defend. It only deals 1 damage to me per turn, unless it hits with lightning or a strong attack, which ranges from 3-5, or the occasional trip which causes it to deal 10. Theoretically this is possible to get through, but incredibly tedious. I just wanted to report this for consideration. Love the game, thank you so much for delivering a very fun experience over the years!