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A member registered Jul 12, 2023

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I have a confession to make: i'm only here for the lewds, yes it can be a shock to some but i'm not good enough at the videogame that i can play it so i just want to watch the scenes, that said:

I absolutely loved the gallery idea, being able to queue different animations is really ingenious, if i may offer 3 tips/constructive criticism, they would be the following:

Include a way to change the backgroung music, include a way to remove each animation individually besides the "clear" option, include a way to stop the animation without loop (for example, i put 3 animations, after they are done they don't loop back into the first but stay at the last one if it's a game over screen for example, or just come back to max standing there)

Thank you very much for your time and for making such a awesome and lewd game, thanks.