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A member registered Jan 13, 2023

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Seeing as the game was only made for a quick Game Jam this might not be valuable feedback but if it is, I think I might be the best Anti-Matter technician assistant around. The game was really addicting and I kept beating my own scores, until I finally stopped at 2410. This is my feedback for this game:

I like the simple mechanic of sorting through the falling colored spheres in an eye blink. I kept noticing some break points in difficulty for example at 300 when the balls started to come so fast u could see multiples at the same time, and then again at 1000 when the game just wasnt getting harder anymore. So once the player hit beyond the 1000 mark, they probably stop bothering playing the game since they technically "beaten the hardest difficulty" the game has to offer. 

The reason I stopped at around 2400 was because the music was starting over so there was a moment of silence that threw me off, together with what I said above about beaten the hardest the game had to offer.
I guess what I also noticed is that is that I got points for a ball falling into the lava right as it hit the correct wall, I think there shouldve been the distinction between either it counts and the game goes on or I dont get rewarded points and the game ends less frustrating :(

But coming back to the good parts I did hang out quite a while (~30mins) and enjoyed my time, so much so that I wanted to give feedback, and the physics seemed pretty well done to me, considering I could destroy the game using my trusty drawing tablet and getting precise inputs in, and in turn was rewarded some precise outputs.

Well done!